Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Hole Nother World

The avoidance of faith is unbelief.  

Start with the very reason God sent His Spirit into the world; to convict the world of sin, the sin of unbelief. 

As the wonder of salvation has crashed into our world, we now stand in the conflict and it is in this conflict that we suffer. It is the conflict of two worlds colliding and God's Kingdom invading this earth. We are now challenged to live in a different reality, in this reality we can no longer avoid faith. 

It is a reality that calls us to deny the circumstance of this world and stand firm in the Kingdom that contains no lack, no sickness, no need. In this contradiction we understand that our Father's will is not fully realized in this world as it is in heaven. The wonder of God is that he has commissioned us to extend his kingdom in this world. I was recently asked do we stand on the track while the train is coming? Our temptation is to take the realities of the world to avoid faith, rather than taking faith to overcome the world with greater reality of the Kingdom. Father, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven, a place with no lack, no sickness or need. 

The greater question is where will we choose to live. In God's kingdom “iron floats” And trains will not run over his children. And the giants are placed in the promised land only for one reason, to be slayed. Avoidance of faith would have us wait, for what God has already provided and is eager to do. 

The excitement of stepping out and extending God's Kingdom now is the place we are called to live. 

It is in embracing this truth that the suffering heart is set free to live at a HNL (hole nother level)...

 ...pardon the mistake its really a HNW (world).

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