The sound of His name alone brings me peace. His name, spoken by one who loves Him, is a kiss. His ways, practiced by one who loves Him, are life-giving. He has shown us exactly how to lead and it is much less complicated than we tend to make it.
Let’s look at the story Feeding the Five Thousand in Matthew 14. Just picture it, an epic gathering, a sea of 5000 men and their families spread out as far as the eye could see. They have followed Jesus from the cities into the deserted place, not giving a thought to anything except being in His presence. And our Jesus did what he does. In His goodness and mercy, He healed them. Some of them didn’t even know it was happening, weren’t even aware of their need, but that is just what happens in the presence of God.
As the disciples perceive this amazing day coming to an end, they think they have a good plan. Their thoughts turn toward the natural and they begin to strategize and make plans and determine to send all the people away. But what does Jesus say?
“They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.”
What??? Us? Perhaps you don’t realize we only have a few loaves and fishes, Master? Don’t you love how we feel the need to explain things to God? As if He doesn’t see things as clearly as we do? Scripture tells us to trust God with all of our heart and lean not on our own understanding (Prov 3:5) and yet, time and time again, we filter each situation through our own understanding before moving.
It is here, in this moment that Jesus does the most amazing thing of all. He blesses the tiny little bit that they had and
gave it to the disciples
He could have fed that crowd in any number of supernatural ways, but His choice was to use the hands and feet of His disciples, His small group. Just imagine how those guys felt as their unbelief turned to wide eyed, joy filled, wholehearted belief in the everlasting, ever present, perfect provision of God. It gives me chills!
The next time your small group meets, think of that day in the deserted place. Expect miracles, breakthroughs and hearts made whole by the grace of God, but don’t stop there. Expect to see Jesus use you, Child of God. Instead of gathering prayer requests and sending them out in e-mail, try this; when someone has need, have your small group members gather and lay hands on them. Agree in prayer that their request shall be met, knowing that the prayer of the righteous avails much.
Then send them out to do the same…
by Jen Milne